We invite you to submit your research abstract for :
Oral presentation
Poster presentation
Submission may cover topics as below :
Life Sciences (Medical, Agro, Biological and Health Sciences)
Physical Sciences (Polymer, Material and Engineering)
Deadline for abstract submission : 15th July 2018
Deadline for abstract acceptance: 15th August 2018
Full paper acceptance and registration: 7th September 2018
We recommend designing the poster in A1 format with the reference number of the abstract on the upper corner. The poster must contain the title and authors’ name and address, objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusion.
Deadline for abstract submission : 9th November 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance: 16th November 2018
Full paper submission : 21st November 2018
Notification of full paper acceptance: 26th November 2018
Payment: 26th November 2018
E-poster presentation allows participants who are not able to travel to share their research in SCMSM2018. This is an exciting platform that will enable participants to present their works in an electronic format of the studies done. Please send us a high resolution PDF version of your poster (A1 size) according to hardcopy poster’s format with a limit of 1000 words. The e-poster will be projected for 3 minutes in rotation, in the poster viewing area through out the period of the conference. We kindly suggest you to limit the number of words so the audience will be able to capture the content of your poster within the specified time.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceeding. Selected full papers will be recommended for publication in “Malaysian Journal of Microscopy”,